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Aaron & I are very pleased and proud to offer two new naturally flavored whiskies, in addition to the inaugural Tschetter's Original – Honey Citrus Ginger Moonshine – so nice, we distilled it twice - we now offer a Pear, Honey, Peach Moonshine and an uncommonly smooth whiskey derived from the Honey, Citrus, Ginger Moonshine. Check out the store for new flavors and a 375ml offering of all three goods.
Cheers - ATJ
By means of our partnership with Passion Spirits of Miami, we are simultaneously launching online sales in 35 states. Those states not eligible (talk to your state legislatures) : – AL, AR, DE, IA, KY, MA, MD, MS, ND, NH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TX, & UT.
Enjoy Responsibly - An adult's signature is required for delivery
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